Aarambh Hai Prachand

“आरंभ है प्रचंड” is a brilliant song by Piyush Mishra from the movie Gulaal. Its lyrics are powerful, and the sound of the words and the rhythm in which it is sung make it seem like a motivational or inspirational war song. But the choice of words is quite unusual – not to mention that at least some of the words are difficult for me – and after thinking more deeply about it, I think the song is a satire that actually conveys the mindless nature of war. Instead of glorifying the actors and actions of war, the underlying motivations are stripped of all glory. But this is done in a somewhat subtle way such that the song still seems motivational as long as one doesn’t look too closely into its meaning. The poet presumably chose difficult words deliberately. The fact that this song has been co-opted by a religious movement is darkly ironical. Apart from the words themselves, this interpretation of the song also makes sense in the context of its setting in the movie as well as the overall theme of the movie. However, I did not find any satisfactory translation or interpretation of this song to support my idea anywhere and hence this post.

Here is the song in Hindi with a literal translation of words as well as my interpretations in parenthesis. I believe that thinking about the literal meanings of the words leads to a better appreciation of their metaphorical meanings.

आरंभ है प्रचंड, बोले मस्तकों के झुंड
	आरंभ = beginning
	प्रचंड = fierce, intense, violent
	मस्तक = head
	झुंड = flock, herd, swarm - a group of domestic or wild animals
आज जंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो 
	जंग = war
	घड़ी = a unit of time equal to 24 minutes
	गुहार = appeal, request, urge
The mobs of people attest to a fierce beginning
Appeal to them that this is the hour for war
(Instead of glorifying the participants, the poet refers to them as herds or swarms. And instead of issuing a clarion call, the poet asks for an appeal)
आन, बान, शान, या की जान का हो दान 
	आन, बान, शान = pride, honor, prestige, grandeur
	दान = donation
आज एक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो 
	धनुष = bow
	बाण = arrow
	उतार दो = take off
Forsake your pride, your honor and even your life and stake them on an arrow
(The word I would have expected here was त्याग - sacrifice. But instead the poet uses an awkward जान का दान which doesn't seem glorious. उतार दो is also an awkward choice. A righteous war would confer honor on its soldiers, not require them to lose it)
मन करे सो प्राण दे, जो मन करे सो प्राण ले 
	प्राण = life
वही तो एक सर्वशक्तिमान है 
	सर्वशक्तिमान = all-powerful
Only he who can give or take a life on a whim is all-powerful
(The poet talks of giving or taking life on a whim, rather than because the situation calls for it. The soldiers' lives are to be placed at the whims of an all-powerful leader, who is all-powerful only because of a lack of regard for life)
कृष्ण की पुकार है, ये भागवत का सार है
	भागवत = the Bhagawad Gita
	सार = essence, summary
कि युद्ध ही तो वीर का प्रमाण है
	युद्ध = war
	वीर = hero
	प्रमाण = proof, evidence
Lord Krishna calls (for war). The essence of the Bhagwad Gita is that the proof of a hero's valor is in war alone.
(This is the first time I have encountered this interpretation of the Gita - one that glorifies war with no reference to good or evil. This is how religion is abused to incite people)
कौरवों की भीड़ हो या पांडवों का नीड़ हो
	भीड़ = crowd
	नीड़ = nest
जो लड़ सका है वो ही तो महान है
	महान = great
Whether it be in a crowd of the Kauravas (villains of the Mahabharata) or among the Pandavas (heroes of the Mahabharata), only he who has fought is great.
(As if to drive the point home, the poet makes it explicit that it is fighting that makes a person great regardless of cause)
जीत की हवस नहीं, किसी पे कोई वश नहीं
	हवस = lust
	वश = power, control
क्या ज़िन्दगी है, ठोकरों पे मार दो
	हवस = lust
	ठोकर = kick
Futile is the life that lacks a lust for victory, or any power over anyone. Kick it away as you would kick away the stones in your path.
(हवस and वश both have very negative connotations. And yet the poet glorifies them)
मौत अंत है नहीं, तो मौत से भी क्यों डरें
	मौत = death
	अंत = the end
ये जा के आसमान में दहाड़ दो
	दहाड़ = roar
Death is not the end, so why should we fear death? Go and roar this into the sky.
वो दया का भाव, या कि शौर्य का चुनाव
	दया = mercy
	भाव = mood, attitude
	शौर्य = courage
	चुनाव = choice
या कि हार का वो घाव तुम ये सोच लो
	हार = defeat
	घाव = wound
Is your attitude that of mercy, or of courage? Or is your attitude of mercy just a cover for the wounds of defeat? Make up your mind
(The poet leaves no honorable room for mercy by painting it as the wounds of defeat)
या कि भूरे भाल पे जला रहे विजय का लाल
	भूरे = brown color
	भाल = forehead
	विजय = victory
	जला रहे = be aflame
	लाल = flush, glow
लाल ये गुलाल तुम ये सोच लो
	लाल = red, saffron
	गुलाल = colored powder (like the one used during Holi)
Do you wish the glow of victory to adorn your brown forehead like this saffron Gulaal? It is up to you.
रंग केसरी हो या मृदंग केसरी हो या कि
	रंग = color
	केसरी = saffron
	मृदंग = a kind of drum
केसरी हो ताल तुम ये सोच लो
	ताल = tempo, rhythm
Are you content with painting your face or your drums saffron, or will you let your mood be saffron too?
जिस कवि की कल्पना में, ज़िन्दगी हो प्रेम गीत
	कवि = poet
	कल्पना = imagination
उस कवि को आज तुम नकार दो
	नकार = deny, disavow
Disavow the poet who imagines life to be a love song.
(This is a reference to John Lennon - only apparent from the movie)
भीगती मसों में आज, फूलती रगों में आज
	भीगती = in the process of getting wet
	मस = line of hair
	फूलती = bulging
	रग = vein
आग की लपट का तुम बघार दो
	आग = fire
	लपट = flame
	बघार दो = sprinkle hot oil with spices (common in Indian cooking)
Breathe fire into your sweating body and your bulging veins.

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